Letter To The Editor - Noah Thanks His Supporters

Read my full letter in the CIty-County Observer by clicking here.

It is with great pleasure that I address the people who voted in the recent Vanderburgh County Democratic primary.

I’m extremely humbled by your support for me as the Democratic candidate for Vanderburgh County Sheriff in the recent primary election.

This past primary race was a grueling one. It tested our team’s endurance, our organizational and logistical skills, and at times took every ounce of energy I had to give. I’m proud of the result, but even more proud of the group of supporters we have assembled.

Running a Sheriff’s Office requires the ability to assemble a team, build a consensus, keep people engaged, and see your initiatives through. Our win last Tuesday in a highly contested race was a major step towards demonstrating to the public that I have what it takes to lead the Sheriff’s Office.

I enter into the upcoming general election with great anticipation and look forward to debating the issues with my opponent. The differences between the two candidates will become readily apparent.

My stances on some hot button issues will likely appear more moderate than my competition. Having previously served as second-in-command of the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office.

I know that bumper sticker slogans don’t translate well into policy. A Sheriff must see all sides of an issue and take action for the best interest of the entire community. A Sheriff must stay above the increasingly polarizing talking points that spew out of our national political scene.

I will not embarrass my uniform or my Office by engaging in hyper-partisanship. I am a Democrat, but I will be a Sheriff first. I also understand that It is my job to protect the constitutional rights of our citizens, which is a responsibility I have taken seriously for over 21 years.

My campaign platform is based on a common sense approach to dealing with the challenges facing our community. I feel that my initiatives will lead to lower crime rates, reduced violence in our community, and a smaller jail population.

I want to thank every one of the 4,405 voters who showed up last Tuesday and cast their ballot for me.

If I didn’t have your support during the primary election, I will do my best to earn your confidence and support over the next six months.


Noah Robinson

2022 Candidate For Vanderburgh County Sheriff


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